Asset Integrity And Operation

Leak Detection and Repairs (LDAR)

LDAR (Lead Detection and Repair) program is the system of procedures a facility implements to locate and repair leaking components, including valves, pumps, and connectors, to reduce the emissions of fugitive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). It is the most effective method of controlling fugitive emissions at Oil and Gas assets whilst assuring asset integrity.


Benefits of LDAR Program

  • Identify, quantify, and reduce or eliminate hazardous leaks.
  • 100% recovery of saleable gases from equipment leakages, venting, flaring etc.
  • Comply with regulations.
  • Assures asset integrity.
  • Ensuring safe workspace for employees and host community(s)
  • Candidate for Carbon Credit Scheme – CAPEX and OPEX can be borne by Carbon investor in exchange for Emission Reduction Credit (ERC)


As the Sole representative of Phoenix LDAR Envolve in Nigeria, we are very proud to ride on the back of the UK’s leading Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) survey company with over 20 years’ experience managing programs around the world, Tijegab is poised to deliver world class LDAR services to the Nigerian energy sector.

Our vision is to consistently exceed our stakeholder’s expectations and to be leading indigenous oil and gas service company providing world class solutions.

Relationships and Partners

In all industries, building valuable relationships is an essential skill. Particularly in the supply chain process, that is getting goods or services from the point of origin to the end user, relationships need to be credible and reliable.

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